Friday, December 11, 2009

Finding Neverland

I have been noticing, for some time now that many people around me and related in some remote way to me or what i do, have this Peter Pan complex. I never would have understood this important part of my personality had it not been for a dear friend of mine, who incidentally suffers the same fate. I, on the other hand, always wanted to grow, had to grow up, i reckon. However, one day this friend of mine, let's call her Zee, she told me, "do you know something, why certain people (a specific male actually, HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED) are attracted towards you? it's because while we are all trying to live in Never Land, trying not to grow up, you on the other hand, are Peter Pan, you reside in Never Land." All of a sudden, things grew completely clear, the cards fell in line, things clicked and a huge burden lifted from my heart. I was Peter Pan, hah. And i always have tried to deny this basic instinct, haven't I? ME, who has always impetuously taken everything, let it be extra scoops of ice-cream, love or pain; me who has always stood with my hand on my hips, looked upon older, maturer people and felt innocent despite being sullied and befouled by the ugly disgusting world, it was all so clear. Remarkable, how it takes someone else to tell you who you are. I loved that moment of anagnorisis. The world grew Yellow (i love this song, by the way, i love COLDPLAY), that's my favorite color for the world. When things are yellow, they are mellow and beautiful and it reminds me of winter, the favorite time of a tropical Indian year. And when i understood my condition, it was like the prettiest winter sunshine ever, and i felt that a singular strain of guitar string was lifting me away into outer space and Bach was bringing it up with his own serenade, while i floated in the air, flew and swam amongst the clouds, with their blessed damozels looking over the bar of heaven for their estranged lovers and angels plotting revolts. I cut a waltz with Morpheus, oh my dearest, dearest Morpheus, and i held his sister's cold hand just a bit (out of politeness, you can't be rude to your prospective in-laws). And ever since, i haven't cared for what the diseased world feels. Commerce with so-called "reality" leaves me cold, disgusted and gasping for breath. I pity the world that calls for absolutes and basking in scientific jargon will not accept relativity. What is mathematics? The most gossamer-like, fluctuating, relative and abstract thing in the world and yet people will not believe in dreams. Reality, pah! People leave me so, so...hollow, as if Vampire-like, they drink from the core of my soul and live like parasites, on the basis of my spirit. The world tries to steal things from you, the day you decide to stop people from doing that, the day you accept yourself, i think you will have found Never Land.

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